School Safety

Our school upholds safety as a top priority for students and staff. We continue to update and improve our Safety Manual which includes topics on the following:

Safety Team

Safety Communications

Training for Preparedness

Evacuation & Lockdown Procedures & Policies

Safety Plans in Place

  • Child protection policies
  • Pool safety and usage
  • Emergency evacuations
  • Lockdown procedures
  • Medical emergencies
  • Severe weather
  • School trips
  • Bus and safety
  • Suicide ideation
  • Self-harm

Child Protection

St. Paul American School promotes the values of respect, integrity, compassion, and responsibility and seeks to foster wellness throughout our school community. The SPAS Child Protection Policy has been created to protect the student, the family, and the SPAS community. It ensures that the right to protection and access to confidential support systems are available to all students.

SPAS has an institutional responsibility to protect children. We have a professional and ethical obligation to identify children who are in need of protection and to take steps to ensure that the child and family avail themselves of the services needed to remedy any situation that constitutes child abuse or neglect. All faculty and staff at St. Paul American School Hanoi are mandated to report their concerns about the well-being of any student. Clear procedures are in place for the reporting, investigation, and follow-up of suspected cases of abuse or neglect.

Monitoring School AQI

To monitor the Air Quality Index on campus, please use this link and log in:

User: stpaul
Password: stpaul@hn

School Security

Our large campus is guarded in many different areas 24/7.  Individuals on our security team works 12-hour shifts to secure our campus all day and night, ensuring it is always safe. Guards watch at gate entrance and exits to ensure students stay on campus and no unauthorized visitors can enter. 
