Elementary drama partners with Drama Notebook and performs several plays throughout the year. To find out more about Drama Notebook, visit their website dramanotebook.com
The St. Paul drama program, now in its second year of operation, is an immersive, multifaceted experience for students who have an interest in theatrical arts. The program is performance based, with students bringing a variety of productions to life on stage for the enjoyment of the St. Paul community and beyond. In the classroom students are involved with every aspect of the shows: they select scripts or write their own, design and/or create props, costumes, and sets through utilization of the school’s newly added STEAM lab, design publicity posters and programs, and serve as student directors and stage managers. As the program grows, elements of sound and lighting design are being incorporated into the experience. In its first year the program provided three mainstage performances for the community: Hooway for Wodney Wat, Us and Them, and 12 Angry Jurors. With the addition of a middle school level course, the number of shows is expected to double.